Travel Posters
The Los Angeles Public Library has an exhibit showcasing old travel posters. You can see it online here:
This wasn’t quite as interesting as I imagined because of the limited quantity they were showing. Back in 1995, Micrografx released ABC Graphics Suite, which was a software suite to compete with Adobe Photoshop. The software is long gone, but I still have the book and the accompanying CDs because they included a lot of royalty free photos and clipart.
My favorite of the collection is the Wood River Gallery. These low resolution photos are a collection of greeting cards, advertisements, drawings and more importantly, travel posters. Unfortunately, they aren’t easily searchable like Flickr, so sometimes I end up turning page after page looking for a perfect photo. It’s not very efficient. I don’t know what to do to make it more easy for me to use, but here is a quick slideshow of some of my favorites: