The Del Rey Kamp King Sky Lounge Truck Camper
I was perusing Google images for redneck campers when I came across this blog entry:
It’s about the Del Rey Sky Lounge Truck Camper, which was a feat of engineering.
Built in the mid-Sixties, it was a truck camper with THREE levels. The first level was the kitchen area, the second level was at the fore of the camper with seats so travelers could watch out the front. The third had a bed up and to the middle. Even better, the top popped open so you could enjoy yourself on the roof and the back popped out for more room as well.
I really love the retro look of this camper.
You can see all the photos I’ve found and even a couple of brochures after the break…
Photos via:
I’ve got pics of my California family’s 22′ long 1963 chassis mounted KampKing housecar. It is longer than any of the ones above and is a custom built-to-order if you’d like to see pics. It had louvered windows in the front windows above the bed and all around the back three walls surrounding the restaraunt booth & stove area. Can I post links to photobucket here, or would you prefer I email them and you can post them in your thread?
Comment by Hugh — January 9, 2013 @ 10:52 am
i am roby mcnamee my grandfather and father were the designers and builders of the above kampers and motorhomes my father is alive grand father has since past i would love a kamper built by them i grew up in the shop on rosemead
Comment by roby mcnamee — June 19, 2014 @ 9:33 pm
Do you know where I can find one of these. And if so, where? Also, what is the gas mileage? Price? Where can they be serviced and repaired?
Comment by Layne Morgan — November 2, 2014 @ 4:01 am
Do you carry a printed catalog of your campers. I’d love to look a little closer at them and the inside.
Comment by William Scully — October 13, 2015 @ 6:52 pm
Hmmm – just now starting to look at Del Rey sites. I’m 62 years old and my dad bought the sky lounge new when I was about 15. Yes this is the tri-level (driver side seat above cab is single and passenger seat is double occupant, upper ‘bedroom’ with VERY tight ceiling clearance, table below that breaks down into another bed, toilet, stove top, frig, etc). My dad is now planning to move in with me and is giving me the camper. My question is, what are things like this worth? My other question is, he has a 99 Dodge 3/4 ton pickup that needs the mounting flanges and truck-to-camper wiring harness. Where do we get this stuff? Please send email response to thanks/vibeguy
Comment by vibeguy — April 7, 2016 @ 6:01 pm
Does anyone know what the weight of one of these things was? It truly is a piece of camping Americana.
Comment by Raoul Duke — June 16, 2018 @ 10:04 am
Comment by WILLIAM BIRD — November 10, 2023 @ 7:05 pm