Starling Travel

March 11, 2013

Solar Light Centerpiece

Filed under: Camping — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

When we were camping at Lake Havasu in January this year, I saw this centerpiece on a picnic table.

Solar Light Centerpiece from Starling Travel

It’s an inexpensive solar light that has been mounted on an inverted terra cotta pot. It is utilitarian, but it provided a lot of light at that picnic table that night.

I have been trying to find a pretty way to have a solar lights at the campground. I had made some hanging solar lights, but the wind damaged half of the eight that I made, so I gave up on them.

How to Make Hanging Solar Lights from The Gadgets Page

I then put them into a candelabra, but the wind knocks it over as well.

Solar Light Candelabra from The Gadgets Page

The terra cotta planter is impervious to the wind, but it’s not very pretty. I’m still trying to find a way to make a beautiful solar lamp for camping that won’t blow away in the wind. When I find it, I’ll share it with you.


  1. What about a Mason jar for the anchoring bottom? Or maybe a Starbucks bottle? The Starbucks bottle woUld need a weight but the mason jar should be ok.

    Comment by Nelda — April 29, 2013 @ 8:30 pm

  2. I like the terra cotta pot and the candelabra. The candelabra, you could add maybe a terra cotta potbase to the bottom to weight it, or a pretty rock. The pot could be painted, stenciled, etc. Great idea!

    Comment by Michelle — April 30, 2013 @ 4:38 am

  3. Decorate the terra cotta pot… paint or do some mosaic with broken tile pieces? The gal above mentioned mason jar — fill one with different colored sands, drill hole in the lid for the solar light..that would add the weight (and of course use a larger jar) — could maybe even use a pickle jar as they are a little bigger. Just a couple thoughts.

    Comment by Jolitta Besel — April 30, 2013 @ 11:53 am

  4. I love decoupage and I think that might look nice on the terra cotta pot. You can use fabric or paper for this and it’s very simple to do. In fact, my parents and my sister and her husband just bought campers and I’m going to make us all some of these lights to use for our first camping trip together! (…for mother’s day. LOL)

    Comment by Karen — May 6, 2013 @ 1:33 pm

  5. Just paint the terracotta planter with glow in the dark sparay piant. it looks awesome!

    Comment by nora — May 7, 2013 @ 1:33 pm

  6. I would paint the pots with pretty colors or designs, spray with outdoor sealer and voila a pretty light holder! I think these would be pretty in the yard as well, if the pots are painted.

    Comment by Tina Wilkerson — May 10, 2013 @ 6:03 pm

  7. Colorfully paint and cut pvc pipes and use them as stands for solar lights.

    Comment by linda bunte — May 20, 2013 @ 4:21 pm

  8. Garnish the pot with some trailing ivy plant, or the mason jar idea above with clear marbles would add glitter.

    Comment by Deborah Owens — May 21, 2013 @ 6:38 pm

  9. Why not take pictures from your camping trips and decoupage them on the flower pot….you could always collect sea shells and decorate the flower pot or sand and sea shells in the mason jar.

    Comment by Jennifer Heredia — May 22, 2013 @ 8:27 pm

  10. Such good ideas! Thank you everyone! You made my day!!!

    Comment by Laura Moncur — May 25, 2013 @ 1:46 pm

  11. You can get these solar lights at the DollarTree store!

    Comment by Janet Ayers — June 12, 2013 @ 9:52 pm

  12. Did you know they make some stuff called earthquakeputty? Put some of that in the bottom of your candelabra, and they will stay in place… just thought you might like to know. If you don’t live in or visit a place that has earthquakes, you can use the putty for sticking things to the walls. Hope this helps in future endeavers. Love the idea of the pot too!!!

    Comment by Debi — June 13, 2013 @ 3:44 pm

  13. I’m thinking CHEAP …. how abt mason jar or ‘any’ type container & use Sand, little colored Pea gravel,etc. You can even save kid’s plastic cup’s with those plastic punched lid’s (not the flimsy lid’s that crack!)Fill cup’s with whatever weight & stick solar light down in the middle – w/or w/o the stem on! You could even paint container’s cup’s what ever with a rainbow of glow color’s! ;0)

    Comment by C — June 28, 2013 @ 12:12 pm

  14. Just paint the pot.

    Comment by Robin — July 18, 2013 @ 3:58 pm

  15. I have a vintage French wrought iron chandelier (uses candles) that I can try this with. THX

    Comment by Leona — August 4, 2013 @ 8:10 am

  16. Have have several mason jars with the solar lights glued on the lids on my back deck. Inside the jars I put colorful glass stones. Very pretty when lit up. I think I am going to try the terra cotta pot next, but paint it first, or the mosaic tile is a good idea.

    Comment by Nancy — August 8, 2013 @ 5:40 pm

  17. The clay pots for your solar lighting would look awesome with some broken mirror glued to the surface and then grout to fill in the spaces like a mosaic.

    Comment by Lola Shugard — August 21, 2013 @ 1:11 pm

  18. You could turn the pot right-side-up and fill it with dirt and an attractive plant. Then stick the solar light into the dirt. Paint the pot if you wish.

    Comment by Karen — August 27, 2013 @ 7:44 pm

  19. Something rustic for camping…How about an log of wood with holes drilled in it to stand the lights in. A longer piece with several holes and lights would make a nice center piece for the table or several for a walk path.

    Comment by Angela — August 31, 2013 @ 11:02 am

  20. Heck, I’m thinking flowers, trailing or otherwise, and pop a light in the middle. Maybe some herbs to help w/ the mosquitos?

    Comment by Shannon — May 10, 2014 @ 6:55 am

  21. -Angela had a good idea. Use a small log. Drill holes in it to place the solar lights in. Flatten the bottom to hold it upright. This will not break & goes with the outdoor theme of camping.

    Comment by Cheryl — September 20, 2014 @ 9:41 pm

  22. Not much to add here but I like all the comments recommending decorating the Terra Cotta pots or clay pots. Sounds like great fun and you ended up with a great finish of your choice. Good luck and have fun.

    Comment by Harold — October 14, 2014 @ 7:44 am

  23. Love all your ideas. It sure got my creative juices flowing for Mother’s Day gift ideas. Thanks everyone.

    Comment by Patti — April 18, 2015 @ 12:28 pm

  24. I would spray paint the base with a florescent paint that would then glow in the dark and not make the terracotta look so unattractive. You would also get double the light.

    Comment by Charlotte — May 14, 2015 @ 11:24 am

  25. If you were out tent camping w group of Scouts this would be a great way to set up a walking path to the restrooms or if you had an event going on at another side of the camp and need a small amount of light for a trail.

    Comment by Cheryl — May 16, 2015 @ 8:13 pm

  26. Did you have to drill the hole bigger in the terra cotta pot for the light to fit?

    Comment by Phyllis — June 2, 2015 @ 12:59 pm

  27. All are really great ideas! I’m going to use some form of this for my glass-top picnic table during the summer! Next shopping trip, I’m picking up a few. Plenty of glass jars and other containers around here. Thanks for all the ideas.

    Comment by Kristine — April 14, 2016 @ 3:38 am

  28. I made the solar lights in a terra cotta pot and I painted them the put a clear spray paint sealer on them. They looked great. Thanks for the ideal.

    Comment by Kearston Daniels — June 5, 2017 @ 11:08 pm

  29. What is the brand and model of the solar light in your candelabra picture? That is what I am looking for as a replacement for one that inserts into a beautiful hanging luminary my deceased sister made for me out of ceramics. After many years the solar light has gotten very weak.

    Comment by Cynthia Bogolub — February 28, 2019 @ 6:33 pm

  30. Wow! Nice!

    Comment by MichaelMeent — December 21, 2021 @ 10:23 pm

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