Epic Old Trailer in St. George
So many times I highlight gorgeous and glamorous campers that have been restored to a beautiful shine, but the other day, I saw a trailer that was just as impressive in its epic oldness.
There are lots more pictures after the break.
I wish I could have talked to the owner, but I just saw this camper in the parking lot of Costco, so I didn’t get a chance for an interview.
It looks like there is snow on the top of the camper, but it’s actually worn paint.
There were two huge propane tanks, so I suspect that they boondock quite frequently.
There is so much stuff on this side of the camper, I just stared at it in awe.
There is a fold up table held in place with bungee cords.
There is a mailbox and electrical outlet on the side.
Some of the windows are broken and instead of being replaced, they have been caulked to keep the elements out.
It took me several minutes to realize that this is a television antenna attached to the exterior.
After looking at this camper for a LONG time, I realized how utterly perfect it is. If Disneyland was trying to make a camper that looked old with deferred maintenance, they couldn’t have done any better than this one. If I wanted to recreate this, I couldn’t do it. It takes YEARS for wood to age that beautifully. It takes sincere ingenuity to create a camper that looks this epic.
I just wish I could have talked to the owner…