Starling Travel

May 10, 2013

Loaded and Light? I Don’t Think That Word Means What You Think It Means…

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers — Laura Moncur @ 9:00 am

Trailer Life Loaded and Light from Starling TravelI am THOROUGHLY disgusted with Trailer Life Magazine right now. I just got it in the mail last night and was excited by one of the articles on the cover. It was called Loaded & Light: 11 Fully Equipped Trailers.

I thought, “Yes! They’re finally showcasing some of the tiny trailers on the market today!” Unfortunately, it was not as I imagined.

Of the 11 trailers they showcased, only two of them were under 3000 pounds. Those two were just the “low-end” of some of the brands and neither one was pictured. Instead, they focused on 36-foot behemoths that “only” weight 6600 pounds.

Light? I don’t think that word means what you think it means…

Here is a REAL list of eleven fourteen loaded and light trailers: (Continue Reading…)

May 9, 2013

The People I Hate at the Airport

Filed under: Airline Travel — Laura Moncur @ 5:11 am

The incredibly funny Jenna Marbles is complaining about the kind of people who annoy her on airplanes. Be warned it’s laced with profanity…

I literally laughed when she smacked down the loud business cell phone talkers.

Hey, guess what? We’re in a small, enclosed space, so if you could just shut the BLEEP up, that would be fantastic! I mean, I know that you’re so BLEEPING important, and stuff like that. You’ve made that really clear, you know, but no one’s that important, like NOBODY. If Oprah was on this plane right now, she’d be kickin’ it.

I also liked the rant about the laptop loudies.

They have headphones in the front pocket. Put some on and STOP it!

Then, there are the armrest hogs of the world.

Armrest Hogs from Starling Travel

Oh, and line jumpers!

Get off your entitled high horse and get in line like everybody else!

All of this is EXACTLY why I don’t like to fly, but I love how she chilled out afterward.

I feel like half of the world’s disagreements could be solved by hugging a puppy for a little while.

In the end, airline travel feels like an unpleasant congress with strangers. The only reason we put up with it is because it turns a four-day drive into an eight-hour flight. When the four-day drive is in our own car with just us and we can stay every night in our tent trailer that feels like our own home, it’s a hard competition between the rudeness of the fellow fliers and the lazy enjoyment of a four-day drive.

Photo via: Müe, I feel your pain. by InfoMofo on Flickr

April 27, 2013

DEATHstinations: Ghosts and Savannah

Filed under: Georgia,Places To Visit — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Ask A Mortician visited Savannah and she talks about its ghosts and famous graveyards. She usually talks about death and our inevitable mortality, so even on her vacation, she talks about her profession.

I love how she categorizes the city:

Savannah is no doubt a city of death. It saw battles in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and a yellow fever epidemic that wiped out a thousand people in a week. Geographically, it’s not that big. You can’t swing a dead cat without landing on some paved-over 200-year-old burial, but does being on all those dead people really necessarily ghosts and hauntings and angry spirits, or could the whole city just be a Momento Mori? A reminder that we, too, will die and while there are dead people underneath our feet, we’re alive. ALIVE!

When we were in Savannah, we didn’t have much time to take ghost tours. We were there with Mike’s family because his grandfather flew in WWII on a B-17 for the Mighty Eighth Air Force. The museum for that bomb group is in Savannah.

Mighty Eighth Air Force B-17 Restoration from Starling TravelWe spent a lot of time at that museum and they are currently in the process of restoring a B-17 to its former glory, so it proves to be an even BETTER museum once that is done.

I’d really like to revisit Savannah and see that museum again, but this time, I’d also like to take some home tours and ghost tours. Oh, and don’t forget the Savannah Candy Kitchen! How I loved those candied pecans! THAT is a perfect way to celebrate being ALIVE!

April 26, 2013

Weird Places: Waitomo Caves

Filed under: Places To Visit — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Sci Show investigates the Waitomo Caves in New Zealand, which glow a strange hue of blue. And the reason they do is because of weird glow worms!

New Zealand is one of those places that I really want to visit and when I do, I’ll be sure to see the Waitomo Caves. Until then, here is a video showing them in person.

April 25, 2013

It’s Judy Time’s Makeup Travel Bag

Filed under: Travel — Laura Moncur @ 12:44 pm

It’s Judy Time visited Japan and while she was there, she showed us her makeup travel bag.

She started the video saying that she doesn’t like to over pack, and then she shows ALL the makeup she brought, which is more than even my every day set of makeup.

Here is the picture of all the products in my makeup travel bag.

Starling Travel Makeup Travel Bag Contents

The products are:

Here’s a closeup of that tiny Sephora palette.

Starling Travel Makeup Travel Bag: Sephora Color Flip Palette

That tiny makeup palette is the reason I’m able to pack all of my makeup in this tiny pencil bag.

Starling Travel Makeup Travel Bag: Pencil Bag

Additionally, I pack all my hair accessories in that bag as well in the smaller zipper area.

Starling Travel Makeup Travel Bag: Hair Accessories

After seeing everything that Judy packed for her Tokyo trip, I just laughed to myself. I have minimized my travel makeup to live in a tiny pencil bag with room for my hair accessories as well. It lives in my toiletry bag all the time, so I can be ready to go on a trip on a moment’s notice.

That is what travel is all about. I don’t want to have to stress out about whether I packed the right thing or not. All I want is to be able to throw some clothes in a bag and go!

April 20, 2013

The Coolest RV You Will Find: Umm…

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I found this “cool” RV on KSL Classifieds with the title, “The Coolest RV You Will Find – $2,500.” On first glance it looked interesting.

Coolest RV You Will Find: Um... from Starling Travel

It reads: (Continue Reading…)

April 19, 2013

1959 Terry Camper: Bathroom DELETE?

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers — Laura Moncur @ 11:17 am

I found this ad for a 1959 Terry Camper trailer on KSL Classifieds.

1959 Terry Remodeled Camper Trailer from Starling Travel

It reads:

1959 Terry Camper trailer $1900 OBO (Continue Reading…)

April 11, 2013

The Green Toyota Sunrader That Came to Visit

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

For the last week or so, we’ve had this green Toyota Sunrader parked on our street.

The Green Toyota Sunrader That Came to Visit from Starling Travel

When the owner was outside, working on his engine, I (Continue Reading…)

April 10, 2013

1978 Camper: Is It Worth $500?

Filed under: Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I found this trailer for only $500 on KSL Classifieds.

1978 Camper: Is It Worth $500? from Starling Travel

The ad was a little sparse. It only read: (Continue Reading…)

April 9, 2013

1981 Toyota Sunrader Motorhome: Classic Beauty

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

This 1981 Toyota Sunrader motorhome I found on KSL Classifieds looks like a great deal. (Update 04-19-13: Sorry, already sold!)

1981 Toyota Sunrader Classic Beauty from Starling Travel

Their ad reads: (Continue Reading…)

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