Starling Travel

March 29, 2013

1958 Fireball Trailer: Drop Dead Gorgeous

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers,Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I found this camper on KSL Classifieds the other day and the headline didn’t lie:

Drop Dead Gorgeous 1958 Fireball Trailer

1958 Fireball Trailer from Starling Travel

Ready to go camping, title in hand. It is 15 ft. long and lightweight. Easily pulled with SUV. (Continue Reading…)

March 28, 2013

A-Frame Camper for Pickup Trucks

Filed under: Camping,Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I love this ingenious design for an A-frame camper that I found on Google Patents.

A-Frame Camper for Pickup Trucks from Starling Travel

The description is HORRIBLE. (Continue Reading…)

March 27, 2013

The Perks and Liabilities of Frequent Flying

Filed under: Airline Travel — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Famous author, John Green, tired from yet another flight, gave us this amazing monologue about the perks and liabilities of frequent flying.

John has flown more than 200,000 miles, so he has the frequent flier status that so many of us revere.

By far, the most important perk is that when the plague comes that is going to devastate humanity, I will be among its first victims. That stuff never starts with people watching CSI at home, it starts in airports, and I’ve always said that if there is going to be some human-ending apocalyptic event, I wanna be right out in front of it.

He also gets to sit in First Class, but he has a note of caution for the rest of us.

So listen up, infrequent fliers, as you’re walking past the First Class people to your middle seat in the second to the last row of the airplane, I want you to remember something. You may think, ‘Those are the fancy people. Those are the people who’ve got it figured out,’ but, NO! You, in the your seat in the middle of the last row, YOU have it figured out!

He goes on to say that frequent travel wreaks havoc on your personal life.

Travel for pleasure is FAR different than traveling for work. I think a lot of us look at people who travel for work and envy them because we imagine them visiting museums and touring the city, when in reality, they are holed up in a hotel somewhere.

I used to work at an engineering firm and when the engineers would travel to various cities to light up those wondrous substations of electricity, I would include touristy information for them. EVERY time they came back, I would ask what they did and they NEVER visited any of the fun places I researched for them.


Because in the words of my favorite engineer:

I was too tired after working all day and flying there to see any of that stuff.

So, the next time you envy those people in First Class as you walk to the back of the airplane, remember John Green and his tirade about zombie apocalypses and who has their lives figured out.

March 26, 2013

Mike’s Contempo Quantum 5

Filed under: Camping,Motorhomes and Campers,Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

When I posted an entry about the very awesome Quantum 5 Contempo Fifth Wheel Fiberglass Trailers, Mike immediately noticed one of the photos:

I was the original owner of the Quantum fifth wheel that you show at the top of this article. I know it was my rig because of the awning and sewer hose on the rear and the metal band where the seam is on the side of the rig. These were not original and I added them over the twenty two and a half years we owned the rig. We purchased it in 1980 in Fullerton, CA and originally used a 1978 Toyota SR5 pick up to tow it. I traded up to a 1984 Chevy El Camino when it was new and towed it with that veh. until 2002 when I traded it in on a new motor home. WOW, to see that someone else got the rig and enjoyed it after we did is just great! It was a neat small aerodynamic camper that my wife and I used with great joy for many years. It is good to see they are still appreciated.

I was so excited that one of the original owners was willing to talk about his beloved old trailer, so I asked him to send photos and he DID!

Mike's Contempo Quantum 5 from Starling Travel

There is so much awesome retro goodness in this photo that I’m stymied. From the El Camino to the stunning orange sands of the American Southwest, I am speechless! Luckily, Mike was willing to tell me all about it. (Continue Reading…)

March 25, 2013

One Minute Vacations: Oquirrh Lake in Spring

Filed under: One Minute Vacations — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

The other day was so beautiful outside that I spent an extra few minutes filming a snatch of it for you. Here is one minute of Oquirrh Lake in the spring.

The next time you are feeling trapped at work, take one minute and enjoy the clucking of the ducks, the squawks of the seagulls and the trills of the red-winged black birds.

March 24, 2013

Automobile-Mounted Camper

Filed under: Camping,Tents — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I was looking around on Google Patents When I found this car-mounted camper.

Car Mounted Camper Tent from Starling Travel

Here is the description:

An inexpensive, lightweight camper is releasably mountable about trunk portions of an automobile without requiring the formation of holes in the automobile body. The camper has a flat floor and front, rear, top and side walls which are foldable to compactly overlie the trunk of the automobile.

It looks pretty interesting. (Continue Reading…)

March 23, 2013

1956 Dalton: A Beauty in Aqua

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers,Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I absolutely ADORE this 1956 Dalton I found on KSL Classifieds the other day.

1956 Dalton: An Aqua Beauty from Starling Travel

The description leaves a little to be desired:

great condition for the year.DOES NOT LEAK at all.Sleeps 5.

The pictures tell a pretty good story, though. (Continue Reading…)

March 22, 2013

Solar Light Owl Lantern from LucentJane

Filed under: Camping — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I found this Owl Mason Jar Light Outdoor Solar Light Canning Jar by LucentJane on Etsy a couple of weeks ago and just fell in love with it!

Solar Light Owl Lantern from Starling Travel

I really love the owl design, the pretty color and how well the solar light looks like it’s attached to the jar.

Solar Light Owl Lantern from Starling Travel

It has a nice handle so you can hang it from a branch or place it on your table.

Solar Light Owl Lantern from Starling Travel

I’ve been looking for a good centerpiece for my table when I’m camping. This one isn’t quite right for me, but I DO like it a lot.

Solar Light Owl Lantern from Starling Travel

At $30, I think I can make one for myself that holds up better than what I have right now, but I haven’t found anything that I like. This one is a great start for ideas.

Solar Light Owl Lantern from Starling Travel

March 21, 2013

1967 Shasta 13′ Travel Trailer

Filed under: Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I saw this interesting 1967 Shasta 13′ Travel Trailer on eBay the other day.

Shasta 13' Trailer 1967 from Starling Travel

It’s an interesting glimpse at a Shasta I’ve never seen before. The difference is (Continue Reading…)

March 20, 2013

1965 Wagonaire with a Kamp King Camper

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

A few months ago, I came across this image, not knowing what it was, but in love with it anyway: Jeep camper copy of Wagonaire camper attachment?

Wagonaire with a Kamp King Camper from Starling Travel

Just a couple days ago, however, I was able to recognize the styling. (Continue Reading…)

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