Park City: Sundance Film Venues
Today starts the Sundance Film Festival. There are several venues in Park City, Salt Lake City, The Sundance Resort and Ogden. Here are the addresses for all the venues.
Park City
Mary G. Steiner Egyptian Theatre
328 Main St.
266 seats
ECCLES CENTER George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Center for the Performing Arts 1750 Kearns Blvd. 1,270 seats
HOLIDAY Cinemark Holiday Village Cinemas 1776 Park Ave. 4 screens, approx. 150 seats each
PROSPECTOR SQUARE Prospector Square Theatre 2200 Sidewinder Dr. 360 seats
RACQUET CLUB Park City Racquet Club 1200 Little Kate Rd. 612 seats
YARROW Yarrow Resort Hotel 1800 Park Ave. Approx. 250 seats
LIBRARY CENTER Library Center Theatre 1225 Park Ave. 448 seats
Salt Lake City
BROADWAY Broadway Centre Cinemas 111 E. Broadway Broadway IV: 211 seats Broadway V: 238 seats Broadway VI: 274 seats
ROSE WAGNER CENTER Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center 138 West Broadway 485 seats
TOWER Tower Theatre 876 E. 900 S. 342 seats
Sundance Resort
Sundance Screening Room North Fork, Provo Canyon 164 seats
Peery’s Egyptian Theater 2415 Washington Blvd. 822 seats
For driving directions and movie showings, see the Sundance Film Festival’s Website: