Mountains to Sea Trail: 1000 Miles of Relaxation
If you have ever fantasized about taking a nature walk, the Mountains to Sea Trail in North Carolina might be the perfect vacation for you. When it’s completed, it will span 1000 miles. The directions are easy: just keep walking until you hit the ocean.
This trail just won the Steward for the Environment Award from REI. I don’t know what I would do with a 1000-mile trail through the wilderness. It would be hard not to keep going. I can imagine me urging Mike on, “Let’s just walk a little bit further. I’m sure the end is soon, we’ve been walking all day. It’s not like it’s going to take us all the way to the ocean or anything.†Hours later, exhausted and only partially through the trail we would come across a map, showing us that, yes it DOES take us all the way to the ocean.
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