JetSet Covers Travel On The Cheap
I watch JetSet every week mostly just to see Zadi. She’s energetic and I love to see what she comes up with for me. Imagine my surprise when she does a big segment on travel on the cheap. Enjoy the dancing Darth Vader, but stay for the tips on travel.
They highlighted these sites: – low cost, daily, express bus service in the US: Sure, they can get you low fares, but only from 21 cities. Unless you live in a MAJOR metropolitan area, you won’t find it very useful.
CouchSurfing: I’ve talked about this site before here: Starling Travel » CouchSurfing: Travel On The CHEAP
TripUp – Travel Planning and Travel Reviews: You supposedly can look at other people’s vacations in the area, but after a little looking, I found lots of trips logged, but no information other than a map and the dates they went. I didn’t find anything here worth signing up for.
Thanks, Zadi for showing us what’s new in travel on the cheap! Keep up the good work!