M( ) Talks About Her Trip To Israel
Megan Wallent went to Israel and was nice enough to share her experience with us. She found the Hummos Nazi:
He told us about his favorite local place. He described it as “The Hummos Nazi†– like the Soup Nazi in Seinfeld. I was more in than ever for this place! We set of on our hummos adventure for the Hummos Shack (my term, not his!) which was tucked in a small retail space in another office complex. (Its in the Ramat-Gan neighborhood)
She also ran into some extremely tight security at the airport.
There were no fewer than four more checkpoints to go through before going to the gate. I’ve written about the Bee Watcher Watchers in Paris, where there are multiple lines to go through, each with some perfunctory check. This is not the case here – every line had some purpose, and they were checking and rechecking to make sure that you were okey dokey. One thing I was surprised by though – at the xray machine, you do not need to pull out your small baggie of liquids or take off your shoes. They scan you, and your stuff, right there.
If you have been dreaming of visiting an exotic locale like Israel, click on over to Megan’s site and read about her adventures in Israel.