This old advertisement for Greyhound Bus Lines made me smile.

It reads:
For fun-filled trips to Winter Playgrounds…
This year, take all or part of your vacation in Winter – when you need it most!
We know a man who can show you how to relax in Southern sun at scarcely more cost than staying home! He’s the Greyhound agent in your town – and he’ll arrange your trip in easy-riding, well-warmed coaches, select optional scenic routes and stopovers… he can even make hotel reservations and plan special sightseeing. All this at rates so far elow those of conventional travel that you can spend extra days in the sun.
Your Greyhound agent (man or woman) will explain the advantages of Limited schedules with extra luxury – or Express service, which will take you straight through at no extra fare, often without change of bus or baggage.
Start planning now – and see your Greyhound agent soon – he’ll make your plans come true!
I have always felt like traveling by bus was far too expensive compared to the convenience of flight or driving myself. I checked fares for a Greyhound bus to Las Vegas from Salt Lake City and the prices ranged from $91 to $121. When I checked Expedia for airfare, the prices ranged from $285 to $457. So riding in a bus is FAR cheaper than flying.
But how does it compare to driving?
I can drive to Vegas on two tanks of gas, which is about $80 round trip. So riding with Greyhound is only slightly more expensive than driving myself. When I drive myself, however, I don’t need to rent a car in the town I’m visiting, which saves me a bundle as well.
Maybe when this advertisement was made, traveling with Greyhound was an inexpensive way to go, but now, it just doesn’t compare to driving myself.
Ad via: vintage_ads: Greyhound Bus