Starling Travel

June 30, 2012

Moncur Epic Journey May 2012: There Is Nothing To See In Nebraska

Filed under: Camping,Tourist Attractions — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Nebraska: NOTHING To See Here, Keep MovingAfter our blissful night in St. Joseph, Missouri, we left early in the morning on our journey home. We knew we had a long day ahead of us, and we wanted to be able to visit whatever interesting things might be on our journey. The previous day, we had visited two very fun tourist attractions, so we thought we would see at least one or two things on our drive from St. Joseph, Missouri to Cheyenne, Wyoming.

We had the entire state of Nebraska to traverse. There must be SOMETHING there, right?

Umm… no…

Carhenge NebraskaI kept driving while Mike kept checking on his iPad for anything interesting on the way, but we came up with NOTHING. We could have visited Carhenge, which is a replica of Stonehenge, made with old cars. Unfortunately, it would have added THREE hours of driving to our already long day, so we didn’t go there.

Fine Kansas WineI remember as a child, we would drive from SLC, Utah to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to visit my mother’s family. I remember thinking that Nebraska was the most boring state of the entire drive, but people kept assuring me that Kansas was worse. They are WRONG. Kansas had wineries. Kansas had huge windmills. Kansas had good BBQ cooking. There was NOTHING in Nebraska to look at except fields and fields. It almost makes me want to buy a chunk of land right in the middle of the state to create a tourist trap for people to look forward to.

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1 Comment »

  1. Agreed! The longest part of any road trip was having to drive through Nebraska on the way to somewhere else. Why no one has bothered to do what you suggest is beyond me. Why no touristy stuff like every other state has, I ask you?

    Comment by Andrusela — May 29, 2015 @ 12:34 am

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