Starling Travel

July 2, 2012

Moncur Epic Journey May 2012: Cheyenne, Wyoming – Last Stop ‘Til Home

Filed under: Camping,Places To Visit,Wyoming — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

This boot is the most interesting thing in a radius of 200 miles.

Cheyenne Wyoming Boot

This boot is actually more witty than I thought it was at first. If you look, there are two ungulates playing cards. One is a deer and the other is an antelope. You see, Cheyenne is the place where the deer and the antelope play. Home, home on the range!

Our home on the range, was the Cheyenne KOA. That day, it was incredibly windy and bitterly cold. We had been sleeping in 90 degree weather with humidity in Tennessee and Missouri, so it was a shock to us to have to plug in our heater to keep warm that night. You can see that I changed out of my shorts and skimpy tank top into jeans, a long shirt and a jacket because it was so cold.

Cheyenne WY May 2012

The Wyoming capital building looks better than the one in Salt Lake City. Their dome shines like gold.

Cheyenne Wyoming Capital Building

Cheyenne was our last stop on the way home from our epic journey. We were exhausted, but not nearly as exhausted as we would have had we traveled with a tent instead of a teardrop trailer. We were eager to get home to our own bed, but not as sick of the trailer as I expected. It was a wonderful trip and I’m so grateful that Mike and I were able to take it without costing us too much money.

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1 Comment »

  1. i see that boot every day

    Comment by cassius — May 15, 2022 @ 8:10 pm

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