Powell’s Palace Tent Trailer
Here are some pictures of the very rare 1951 Powell’s Palace Tent Trailer from OldTrailer.com Teardrop and Tent Trailer Pictures:
The website called it a Fallon Palace, which might be a brand name, but it looks like a homemade trailer with the name Powell on it, so I’m going with that.
I really would love to see this trailer folded up. I suspect that the two sides fold over and the middle drops down to cap the top. Based on this interior shot, that’s probably the case.
I also love the retro propane tank on the front with its squashed and round shape.
It looks like this trailer was at a vintage rally, so if anyone has any more information on it, please tell us all about it in the comments.
The Palace looks similar to a late 40’s Ratzlaff that some friends of mine have acquired for restoration. Same system for the top and the beds. As seen on this website:
Comment by Tony B — May 26, 2014 @ 7:31 pm
I have a trailer just like this one. Mine is a Ratzlaff. I am in the process of restoring it. If any one has information on where Ratzlaff trailers were built or anything at all, I would appreciate it. Thanks grhamann@msn.com
Comment by Gary — September 12, 2014 @ 8:44 am
I have one of these trailers. It is a Ratzlaff and was made in Oakland California. That is all I know about them. I am seeking more information on these trailers. Does anyone have any info? Please contact me. thank you Gary
Comment by Gary — June 17, 2015 @ 7:14 am
The trailer is a Ratzlaff Camp Trailer. I own one of them. They are not homemade. They were manufactured 1938 to 1957/
Comment by gary — March 16, 2016 @ 9:32 am