A Homemade A-Frame Camper
Check out this homemade A-frame camper I found on Gander Mountain’s Bragging Board.
The builder said,
My son & I built this in our garage over the winter of 2008. We used a 1968 Puma popup for the frame and body upper side wall sections fold in and both roof sections drop down for towing. vinyl siding and cedar shingles on the roof. We get alot questions while camping.
I love the idea of taking an old popup camper and making it unique and different!
hello I love your camper can u send me more pics of how you did the top thanks will
Comment by Will — January 30, 2014 @ 9:27 am
hi im stephen im actually building up a set of plans to copy this ive done alot of research into the top builders of a-frame trailers even watched a few man videos these i think are cheap and easy build most ly the roofs and side walls are high desity foam with a upper or lower layer of plywood all you need is the measurements of your living space. for latches they install small folding rods that swing down from the roof and hold the outer wall sections in place im making mine with a underlayer of interior design followed by foam an a small layer of siding layered plywood i got to go as light as i can i have a honda element with a tow limit of 1500 pounds so im not taking many features in mine no stove fridge etc for these items i can comensate for with a colman grill and a large ice chest if i have weight left over i might do some small stuff but for now what im doing is buying a old trailer to my size and interior liking and im making a aframe with it for me my wife and my now 2yr son and someday another little tyke but i recommend you look up the manufactures and look at there videos on youtube and set up vids it helped me the most to set up mine and draw the plans hope it helps
Comment by steve — February 3, 2014 @ 2:18 am
hello i realy like your pop up can u send me some pics of how u did the roof and walls can i get some pis of the inside u realy did a good good job on your camper thanks will
Comment by will — May 20, 2014 @ 6:25 pm
What a beautiful job! I just completed my tiny house and was looking for an a frame camper but not happy with price and all the unnecessary features. I’d love to build one of these but unsure how to go about the roof construction. I’d all so like one that has better insulation, making self build the only way to go. Do you have pics or plans or instructions? I’d love to pic your brain!
Comment by Rae — January 18, 2018 @ 4:43 pm