Starling Travel

December 10, 2012

The Kabe Royal Tower: A Camper with a Second Story

Filed under: Motorhomes and Campers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Barbie Star Traveler Lounge on the RoofEver since I owned my Barbie Star Traveler, I have fantasized about hanging out on TOP of a motorhome. Right on the box, it showed Barbie and Skipper laying out in the sun on top of the motorhome.

Well, they have finally made a camper that can allow you to do just that: the Kabe Royal Tower.

Kabe Royal Tower

Click more to see other photos:

It was a camper made by a Swedish company, Kabe, in 2008.

Kabe Royal Tower

Here is a floor plan.

Kabe Royal Tower floor plan

It had a spacious interior with a kitchen, sleeping quarters, and a upstairs is a living room.

Kabe Royal Tower

Kabe Royal Tower

This is the upper loft/living room.

Kabe Royal Tower

Here is a view of the stairs going down and the door to the patio.

Kabe Royal Tower

And here is the coveted upper patio area! It’s all I ever dreamed of as a child!

Kabe Royal Tower

Unfortunately, the Royal Tower is freakin’ HUGE!

Kabe Royal Tower

At 14.7 feet, it is far too tall for many overpasses and bridges. And towing it would take a vehicle FAR more powerful than the one shown here:

Kabe Royal Tower

In the end, I can understand why Kabe doesn’t make the Royal Tower anymore, but for one brief moment, my dream of being able to lie out in the sun on top of a motorhome was realized.

Photos and details via:


  1. Saw this article on Twitter, way cool! We shared it with our campers on Facebook. The inside is beautiful!

    Comment by Ellie Ray's RV Resort & Lounge — December 27, 2012 @ 8:58 pm

  2. How much worth is Kane royal tower send me catolog address 7786 Hinton ave s. Apt 1 cottage grove minn 55016…… Thank you

    Comment by Steven Hemmingson — May 9, 2016 @ 6:47 pm

  3. I am wanting to know if these are for sale in the USA? and if so where can I get one? Thank you Darwin Jorgensen –

    Comment by Darwin Jorgensen — June 3, 2016 @ 7:15 pm

  4. Why don’t we have an RV Dealer in Oregon that would sell something like this? It could be a Tiny House for someone.

    Comment by Kathleen A Wilson — July 13, 2016 @ 9:46 am

  5. am ahmad from dubai i want to by roual tower can you send me brice

    Comment by ahmad — May 5, 2018 @ 5:46 am

  6. Put all the weight at the back of the trailer – super safe on the highway!

    Comment by Ronnie Dunphy — April 26, 2022 @ 5:58 am

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