One Minute Vacations: A SpringBar Tent, A Canoe and You
There is so much awesome going on in this photo from URTrekking, that you really have to click through to the full-sized image to fully enjoy it.
From the canoe to the SpringBar tent, this photo is like stepping into a camping trip. It was taken in Marion, Pennsylvania, probably at Bald Eagle State Park. I can just imagine them canoeing on Foster Joseph Sayers Lake.
The next time you are feeling trapped at work, take a moment and really let yourself step into this photograph. Take a deep breath and smell the damp air blowing off the lake. Relax in the chairs or take a nap in the tent. After just a few minutes imagining yourself into this photo, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day anew!
It’s of Prince Gallitzen. That’s me in the photo.
Comment by Jeff M — May 21, 2015 @ 4:42 pm