Starling Travel

March 12, 2013

1948 Teardrop Trailer

Filed under: Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I found this ad on Craigslist and had to share it with you. It’s for this 1948 Teardrop Trailer.

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

The ad reads:

1948 Teardrop Trailer, Completely restored. MAY CONSIDER TRADE

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

New Aluminum skin. Propane tank original 1947 and certified with new regulator and plumbing.

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

Interior completely redone and wired for 115 Volt, 12 Volt, Cable, HDMI, interior lights (12 volt) New battery with 115 volt built in charger (mounted inside compartment).New Vizio TV.

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

New windows both doors. Deck lid completely rebuilt.

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

Stainless steel sink mounted in solid stainless steel counter. Two burner gas cook top.

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

New spare tire and excellent tires. Chrome rims.

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

Outside removable table New Microwave New cabinets (Alder Wood)

1948 Teardrop Trailer from Starling Travel

This is an eye catcher. $5,500.00

This is a gorgeous trailer and I can assure you that if you drove into a campground, people would line up to get a look at your cute little teardrop. At $5500, however, it costs FIVE times as much as I paid for my tent trailer, that can sleep SIX people. I truly miss my teardrop trailer, and seeing this one for sale makes me drool with the great memories of traveling the country in my tiny camper.

1 Comment »

  1. Is this teardrop still for sale? If so where is it located?

    Comment by Don Bryant — June 11, 2015 @ 8:40 pm

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