Starling Travel

May 11, 2013

1972 Tekco Camper

Filed under: Teardrops & Tiny Trailers — Laura Moncur @ 9:00 am

For the first time in months, I want to drive for hours and plunk down some money on a cute little trailer I saw on KSL Classifieds.

1972 Tecko Camper from Starling Travel

Here is their description:

1972 vintage tekco camper. Every thing works!!! (stove, sink, heater, toilet.)

1972 Tecko Camper from Starling Travel

Good tires Clean title. 1800 OBO.

1972 Tecko Camper from Starling Travel

My mini van tows it, no problem.

1972 Tecko Camper from Starling Travel

I have never heard of a Tekco Camper. It actually looks like a Trails West Campster, like this one I found on Fiberglass RV:

Trails West Campster from Starling Travel

Be that as it may, I wish I had a couple of thousand dollars and time to drive all the way down to Moab to snatch this baby up!

1 Comment »

  1. I just bought one of these campers whare are they made from ?

    Comment by stewart spriggs — December 21, 2016 @ 10:34 pm

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