RVillage: It’s Our Village
I’ve just heard about RVillage and signed up for it. It’s a way for fellow RVers to get in touch with each other and for you to see who is in the RV site where you may be.
Here’s the description of it from Technomadia:
The core idea of RVillage is to create a very simple (and free) tool for RVers to connect with each other – not just online, but right in the RV parks and places they are currently staying in.
When a user checks into a location in RVillage, they can discover the things that they have in common with other RVers right around them.
This sure beats leaving connections up to chance encounters while walking the cat, or the random stranger coming up asking “what type of engine is in that thing?†while you are busy dumping the tanks.
I like the idea of seeing other people who might be in your campground before we meet them, but it seems strange to me. What do I do? Just start wandering the campground calling the name of fellow RVillagers? I like the idea and I think it’s a great idea to do meet ups, though. I’m giving it a try and I hope you do as well. Then all my best friends will be signed up and ready to roll!
No need to wander the RV park plaintively calling out for RVillage members. Just go to the site and create a get-together i.e., “Hey RVillagers, meet at my rig (space E17)at 5:00 for cocktails and tapas. Bring your own cocktails and tapas ;-)” This is site is all about making the face-to-face connections we’ve been missing all this time. See you in The Village.
Comment by Christine McQ — March 13, 2014 @ 5:14 pm