Vicki’s Westholt Tent Camper
At the Popup Portal Rally at Dead Horse Ranch State Park last April, I was given the chance to see Vicki’s Westholt Tent Camper. I had no idea these campers existed before that rally, but they are really cool.
They were made in the mid-sixties and are a great example of mid-century design. See more about her camper and a video tour of a 1964 Westholt after the break.
Here is an old advertisement for the 1965 Westholt Tent Camper and Truck Camper.
Vicki was very nice to give me a tour, but it was really dark, so some of the photos are a little blurry.
We were all camping at that rally, so the inside of the camper wasn’t car show ready, but it’s amazing. It can easily sleep six people: four on this side.
And two on this side. There is also a small galley by this bed.
This table can be used inside or outside.
I was amazed at how little trailer stabilizers have changed in the last fifty years.
She replaced the tail-lights and they look really good.
I had to take a picture of the name of the camper or I was sure I would have forgotten it.
In the light of day and all packed up, her rig looks amazing!
Here is a video tour of a 1964 Westholt. It’s in desperate need of editing and was filmed vertically, but it does give you a good idea of how the camper works.
It was so nice to see such a well-preserved piece of trailer history! Thank you, Vicki!
Your information is incorrect about the tail lights. They are original. The trailer was purchased only because it was all original except for the paint job.
BTW, my permission wasn’t asked to post the pictures.
Since you seemed to like the Westholts so well, there is one for sale in Oklahoma. Not too hard a drive.
Comment by Vicki — June 22, 2015 @ 5:49 pm
My wife and I are the owners of the Westholt in the video. We just found this link. I would love to share more info on our camper it has quite a history. It is mostly original with a few modifications/upgrades. I’ll have to get back on here later and share more about it.
Comment by Frank McCurry — July 1, 2015 @ 9:41 am