Sideways Starcraft
This Starcraft tent trailer came up for sale on our local classifieds and it is something totally different. At first, it looked completely normal, until I realized that this was the BACK of the trailer.
The bunk ends don’t pull out over the hitch and the back. They pull out over the driver’s side.
And the other bunk pulls out over the passenger side.
They were selling it for only $700. Here was their description:
Awesome little trailer by Starcraft. It has running water, spare, new cables on the winch to pull trailer up. All canvas in perfect condition. No tears, rips or even stains.
I really wish they knew the year and make of the trailer. I am so interested in the history of it and how long they made sideways tent trailers. The inside makes it look like late Sixties or early Seventies.
It has one of those built-in ice chests. We had one of these on our Palomino. I loved it because it would just drain the melted ice out of the bottom of the trailer. It made it REALLY easy to keep it filled with ice and cold. I think that’s the ONLY thing I miss from the Palomino tent camper we used to have.
I keep getting surprised by all the different ways that you can make a camping trailer. This sideways tent trailer is really interesting and I wish I could find more information about it!
I have the exact same trailer. Mine is a 1978 that I pull behind my 1979 golden eagle jeep. From what I can find it was the smallest trailer starcraft ever made. The plan was to market to people with compact cars that wanted to go camping. Im not sure how many they have made because I have only seen two or three on the internet besides mine. We love ours because when we are camping in the mountains with the Jeep if we want to set up for one night we do not have to unhook it from the vehicle and it makes for easy set up.
Comment by Nathan — August 26, 2015 @ 8:47 pm